SQL Server Date Format – Convert to varchar

Below is a nice little script to output the various formats displayed by sql server when using convert(varchar, getdate(), n).

It just outputs the current date in the various formats so you can quickly find the one your after

Declare @date datetime
Declare @i int
set @date = getdate()
set @i = 1

while(@i <= 31)
	if(@i not in (15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29))
		if @i < 22
			print convert(varchar, @i) + ': ' + convert(varchar, @date, @i)
		print convert(varchar, @i+100) + ': ' + convert(varchar, @date, @i+100)
	set @i = @i + 1

Hope it helps

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