Windows 11 – Restore right-click menu

The problem

With the update to windows 11, they have changed the default right-click menu and hidden most of the detailed functionality that you are familiar with.

So you want to restore the original detailed functionality. To do this requires a registry change.

The fix

This requires a registry entry change and a reboot.

The Registry change, the easiest way is to

  1. Download the registry file!AuDZc-Atw6mcg7F52g1tGuIoLXeuMQ?e=67sdWz

Or if you prefer to bake your own

  1. Create an empty text file with the extension .reg
  2. Copy paste the below content
  3. Save the .reg file


  1. Double-click on the .reg file to run the registry update and follow the prompts
  2. Restart your computer
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


That is it after restarting your computer you now have the old right-click menu back.

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