Tricks to setting up WCF Service hosted on IIS

The following is a short checklist of items to consider when trying to deploy a WCF Service to an IIS server.

These instructions are for a windows server box

  1. Ensure that you have the required level of .Net installed first
  2. Install the following roles – Application Server / Web Server and choose all the default options when prompted
  3. Check the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions and ensure .net framework 4.0.3 is installed and set to allowed
  4. If not you need to open a cmd window and go to c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ and run “aspnet_regiis -i”
  5. My service writes to a log file. Make sure the user that runs the application pool for the website has write access to the folder where the log file will be written

If you need to set up HTTPS then do the following

  1. In IIS Manager on the entire server double-click Server Certificates
  2. Create Self Signed Certificate, give it a name
  3. Create a https binding on a port

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