Chrome Google Search App Install after you have removed it!

The Scenario
When recently playing with the apps on my Chrome start page, I managed to delete the default “Google Search” App.

You know the one

Google Search App Tile

The Problem
In the worlds largest case of irony if you go to the Chrome Web Store and search for “Google Search” you cannot find the app.

I searched for apps, google search, search etc etc, and for the life of me I could not find the App in the Chrome web store.

Google must assume that because every copy of Chrome has this app by default, why would you need to search for it?


The Solution
I found a copy of chrome on my work PC that had the Google Search App and did the following:

  1. Right-Click on the Google Search App
  2. Choose Visit Site
    Google Search App Right Click Menu

  3. Bookmark it and/or email the link, so you can apply it to your other computer.

      In case you were wondering the link is:

      Hope this helps someone out.

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