The Problem
For my PatchCleaner product I needed the ability to read the digital certificate off a file, like can be seen on the following tab on the file properties window
I want to read the digital certificate and obtain the contents of the “Subject” Field that is a string formated similarly to an Active Directory OU path.
CN=Microsoft Corporation, OU=MOPR, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
The Issue
I originally used the X509Certificate and X509ertificate2 objects like so:
var cert1 = new X509Certificate(_file);
var cert2 = X509Certificate2.CreateFromSignedFile(_file);
Both of these worked but I noticed that when accessing the certificate on a large file (200+ Mb):
- It was very slow
- It seemed to use alot of memory
In fact on closer investigation it appears the X509Certificate reads the entire object into memory! I had a file of 800Mb that I opened with X509Certificate2.CreateFromSignedFile(_file), and the memory usage on my application increased by the same 800Mb before releasing once I had read the value!! Not cool!!
The Solution
This image shows a test application that attempts to read a 294mb patch file in 3 different ways, with a 1 sec sleep between calls:
- T1 – read the digital certificate by the X509 Certificate
- T2 – read the certificate via WinCrypt all content
- T3 – my soltuion via WinCrypt with just PK7 content
You can clearly see two large memory spikes for test 1 and 2, but test 3 doesn’t even register.
Below is a full c# code sample.
I based my solution on the following stack overflow article
Get timestamp from Authenticode Signed files in .NET
The only extra class you need to import is:
- System.Secuirty
This is a copy paste from the stack overflow article:
using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace MyApp.Classes { internal static class WinCrypt { [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct BLOB { public int cbData; public IntPtr pbData; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct CRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER { public String pszObjId; private BLOB Parameters; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct CERT_ID { public int dwIdChoice; public BLOB IssuerSerialNumberOrKeyIdOrHashId; } [StructLayoutAttribute(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SIGNER_SUBJECT_INFO { /// DWORD->unsigned int public uint cbSize; /// DWORD* public System.IntPtr pdwIndex; /// DWORD->unsigned int public uint dwSubjectChoice; /// SubjectChoiceUnion public SubjectChoiceUnion Union1; } [StructLayoutAttribute(LayoutKind.Explicit)] public struct SubjectChoiceUnion { /// SIGNER_FILE_INFO* [FieldOffsetAttribute(0)] public System.IntPtr pSignerFileInfo; /// SIGNER_BLOB_INFO* [FieldOffsetAttribute(0)] public System.IntPtr pSignerBlobInfo; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct CERT_NAME_BLOB { public uint cbData; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 0)] public byte[] pbData; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB { public UInt32 cbData; public IntPtr pbData; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct CRYPT_ATTR_BLOB { public uint cbData; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 0)] public byte[] pbData; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string pszObjId; public uint cValue; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] public CRYPT_ATTR_BLOB rgValue; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct CMSG_SIGNER_INFO { public int dwVersion; private CERT_NAME_BLOB Issuer; private CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB SerialNumber; private CRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER HashAlgorithm; private CRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER HashEncryptionAlgorithm; private BLOB EncryptedHash; private CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE[] AuthAttrs; private CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE[] UnauthAttrs; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SPROG_PUBLISHERINFO { public string lpszProgramName; public string lpszPublisherLink; public string lpszMoreInfoLink; } [DllImport("crypt32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] public static extern Boolean CryptQueryObject( int dwObjectType, IntPtr pvObject, int dwExpectedContentTypeFlags, int dwExpectedFormatTypeFlags, int dwFlags, out int pdwMsgAndCertEncodingType, out int pdwContentType, out int pdwFormatType, ref IntPtr phCertStore, ref IntPtr phMsg, ref IntPtr ppvContext); [DllImport("crypt32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] public static extern Boolean CryptMsgGetParam( IntPtr hCryptMsg, int dwParamType, int dwIndex, IntPtr pvData, ref int pcbData ); [DllImport("crypt32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] public static extern Boolean CryptMsgGetParam( IntPtr hCryptMsg, int dwParamType, int dwIndex, [In, Out] byte[] vData, ref int pcbData ); [DllImport("crypt32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool CryptDecodeObject( uint CertEncodingType, UIntPtr lpszStructType, byte[] pbEncoded, uint cbEncoded, uint flags, [In, Out] byte[] pvStructInfo, ref uint cbStructInfo); public const int CRYPT_ASN_ENCODING = 0x00000001; public const int CRYPT_NDR_ENCODING = 0x00000002; public const int X509_ASN_ENCODING = 0x00000001; public const int X509_NDR_ENCODING = 0x00000002; public const int PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING = 0x00010000; public const int PKCS_7_NDR_ENCODING = 0x00020000; public static UIntPtr PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO = new UIntPtr(500); public static UIntPtr CMS_SIGNER_INFO = new UIntPtr(501); public static string szOID_RSA_signingTime = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.5"; public static string szOID_RSA_counterSign = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.6"; //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get parameter types and their corresponding data structure definitions. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- public const int CMSG_TYPE_PARAM = 1; public const int CMSG_CONTENT_PARAM = 2; public const int CMSG_BARE_CONTENT_PARAM = 3; public const int CMSG_INNER_CONTENT_TYPE_PARAM = 4; public const int CMSG_SIGNER_COUNT_PARAM = 5; public const int CMSG_SIGNER_INFO_PARAM = 6; public const int CMSG_SIGNER_CERT_INFO_PARAM = 7; public const int CMSG_SIGNER_HASH_ALGORITHM_PARAM = 8; public const int CMSG_SIGNER_AUTH_ATTR_PARAM = 9; public const int CMSG_SIGNER_UNAUTH_ATTR_PARAM = 10; public const int CMSG_CERT_COUNT_PARAM = 11; public const int CMSG_CERT_PARAM = 12; public const int CMSG_CRL_COUNT_PARAM = 13; public const int CMSG_CRL_PARAM = 14; public const int CMSG_ENVELOPE_ALGORITHM_PARAM = 15; public const int CMSG_RECIPIENT_COUNT_PARAM = 17; public const int CMSG_RECIPIENT_INDEX_PARAM = 18; public const int CMSG_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM = 19; public const int CMSG_HASH_ALGORITHM_PARAM = 20; public const int CMSG_HASH_DATA_PARAM = 21; public const int CMSG_COMPUTED_HASH_PARAM = 22; public const int CMSG_ENCRYPT_PARAM = 26; public const int CMSG_ENCRYPTED_DIGEST = 27; public const int CMSG_ENCODED_SIGNER = 28; public const int CMSG_ENCODED_MESSAGE = 29; public const int CMSG_VERSION_PARAM = 30; public const int CMSG_ATTR_CERT_COUNT_PARAM = 31; public const int CMSG_ATTR_CERT_PARAM = 32; public const int CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_COUNT_PARAM = 33; public const int CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INDEX_PARAM = 34; public const int CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY_INDEX_PARAM = 35; public const int CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM = 36; public const int CMSG_UNPROTECTED_ATTR_PARAM = 37; public const int CMSG_SIGNER_CERT_ID_PARAM = 38; public const int CMSG_CMS_SIGNER_INFO_PARAM = 39; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //dwObjectType for CryptQueryObject //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public const int CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_FILE = 0x00000001; public const int CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_BLOB = 0x00000002; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //dwContentType for CryptQueryObject //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //encoded single certificate public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CERT = 1; //encoded single CTL public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CTL = 2; //encoded single CRL public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CRL = 3; //serialized store public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_STORE = 4; //serialized single certificate public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_CERT = 5; //serialized single CTL public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_CTL = 6; //serialized single CRL public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_CRL = 7; //a PKCS#7 signed message public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS7_SIGNED = 8; //a PKCS#7 message, such as enveloped message. But it is not a signed message, public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS7_UNSIGNED = 9; //a PKCS7 signed message embedded in a file public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS7_SIGNED_EMBED = 10; //an encoded PKCS#10 public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS10 = 11; //an encoded PKX BLOB public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PFX = 12; //an encoded CertificatePair (contains forward and/or reverse cross certs) public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CERT_PAIR = 13; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //dwExpectedConentTypeFlags for CryptQueryObject //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //encoded single certificate public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_CERT = (1 << CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CERT); //encoded single CTL public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_CTL = (1 << CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CTL); //encoded single CRL public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_CRL = (1 << CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CRL); //serialized store public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_SERIALIZED_STORE = (1 << CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_STORE); //serialized single certificate public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_SERIALIZED_CERT = (1 << CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_CERT); //serialized single CTL public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_SERIALIZED_CTL = (1 << CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_CTL); //serialized single CRL public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_SERIALIZED_CRL = (1 << CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_CRL); //an encoded PKCS#7 signed message public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PKCS7_SIGNED = (1 << CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS7_SIGNED); //an encoded PKCS#7 message. But it is not a signed message public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PKCS7_UNSIGNED = (1 << CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS7_UNSIGNED); //the content includes an embedded PKCS7 signed message public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PKCS7_SIGNED_EMBED = (1 << CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS7_SIGNED_EMBED); //an encoded PKCS#10 public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PKCS10 = (1 << CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS10); //an encoded PFX BLOB public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PFX = (1 << CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PFX); //an encoded CertificatePair (contains forward and/or reverse cross certs) public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_CERT_PAIR = (1 << CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CERT_PAIR); //content can be any type public const int CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_ALL = CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_CERT | CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_CTL | CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_CRL | CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_SERIALIZED_STORE | CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_SERIALIZED_CERT | CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_SERIALIZED_CTL | CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_SERIALIZED_CRL | CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PKCS7_SIGNED | CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PKCS7_UNSIGNED | CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PKCS7_SIGNED_EMBED | CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PKCS10 | CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PFX | CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_CERT_PAIR; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //dwFormatType for CryptQueryObject //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //the content is in binary format public const int CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_BINARY = 1; //the content is base64 encoded public const int CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_BASE64_ENCODED = 2; //the content is ascii hex encoded with "{ASN}" prefix public const int CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_ASN_ASCII_HEX_ENCODED = 3; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //dwExpectedFormatTypeFlags for CryptQueryObject //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //the content is in binary format public const int CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_FLAG_BINARY = (1 << CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_BINARY); //the content is base64 encoded public const int CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_FLAG_BASE64_ENCODED = (1 << CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_BASE64_ENCODED); //the content is ascii hex encoded with "{ASN}" prefix public const int CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_FLAG_ASN_ASCII_HEX_ENCODED = (1 << CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_ASN_ASCII_HEX_ENCODED); //the content can be of any format public const int CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_FLAG_ALL = CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_FLAG_BINARY | CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_FLAG_BASE64_ENCODED | CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_FLAG_ASN_ASCII_HEX_ENCODED; } }
This is my static class that implements two method calls.
- GetDigitalCertificateSlow() -This is the version behind T2 above
- GetDigitalCertificate() – this is the one you want
These methods were based on the IsTimestamp code in the StackOverflow article, but I have manage to tweak slightly to get superior performance.
using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; namespace MyApp.Classes { public class CertificateHelper { public static X509Certificate2 GetDigitalCertificateSlow(string filename) { X509Certificate2 cert = null; int encodingType; int contentType; int formatType; IntPtr certStore = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr cryptMsg = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr context = IntPtr.Zero; if (!WinCrypt.CryptQueryObject( WinCrypt.CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_FILE, Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(filename), WinCrypt.CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_ALL, WinCrypt.CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_FLAG_ALL, 0, out encodingType, out contentType, out formatType, ref certStore, ref cryptMsg, ref context)) { throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } // Get size of the encoded message. int cbData = 0; if (!WinCrypt.CryptMsgGetParam( cryptMsg, WinCrypt.CMSG_ENCODED_MESSAGE, 0, IntPtr.Zero, ref cbData)) { throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } var vData = new byte[cbData]; // Get the encoded message. if (!WinCrypt.CryptMsgGetParam( cryptMsg, WinCrypt.CMSG_ENCODED_MESSAGE, 0, vData, ref cbData)) { throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } var signedCms = new SignedCms(); signedCms.Decode(vData); if (signedCms.SignerInfos.Count > 0) { var signerInfo = signedCms.SignerInfos[0]; if (signerInfo.Certificate != null) { cert = signerInfo.Certificate; } } return cert; } public static X509Certificate2 GetDigitalCertificate(string filename) { X509Certificate2 cert = null; int encodingType; int contentType; int formatType; IntPtr certStore = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr cryptMsg = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr context = IntPtr.Zero; if (!WinCrypt.CryptQueryObject( WinCrypt.CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_FILE, Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(filename), (WinCrypt.CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PKCS7_SIGNED | WinCrypt.CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PKCS7_UNSIGNED | WinCrypt.CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PKCS7_SIGNED_EMBED), // <-- These are the attributes that makes it fast!! WinCrypt.CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_FLAG_ALL, 0, out encodingType, out contentType, out formatType, ref certStore, ref cryptMsg, ref context)) { throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } // Get size of the encoded message. int cbData = 0; if (!WinCrypt.CryptMsgGetParam( cryptMsg, WinCrypt.CMSG_ENCODED_MESSAGE, 0, IntPtr.Zero, ref cbData)) { throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } var vData = new byte[cbData]; // Get the encoded message. if (!WinCrypt.CryptMsgGetParam( cryptMsg, WinCrypt.CMSG_ENCODED_MESSAGE, 0, vData, ref cbData)) { throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } var signedCms = new SignedCms(); signedCms.Decode(vData); if (signedCms.SignerInfos.Count > 0) { var signerInfo = signedCms.SignerInfos[0]; if (signerInfo.Certificate != null) { cert = signerInfo.Certificate; } } return cert; } } }
Thank you!!!! PatchCleaner saved the day when my Windows VM filled up again with dreck from security patches. I have no control over what gets pushed and wasn’t sure how to get some space back. PatchCleaner is obviously the work of someone who “gets it” — fast & easy to use. Bravo!
Thanks for this – proof of concept in .net core 2.0 would be helpful